Basic Policy on Information Disclosure
Ichimasa Kamaboko Co., Ltd. (“the Company”) will disclose information in a fair, timely and appropriate manner in line with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, other laws and regulations, and the timely disclosure rules set forth by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, to maintain and develop long-term trust relationships with all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors.
The Company will also fairly and proactively disclose, by appropriate means, information that, while not subject to statutory disclosure requirements or timely disclosure rules, the Company believes is necessary or useful for deepening stakeholders’ understanding of the Company.
Information Disclosure Methods and Fair Disclosure Initiatives
The Company discloses information subject to statutory disclosure requirements and timely disclosure rules via EDINET provided by the Financial Services Agency and via TDnet provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Information that is not subject to statutory disclosure requirements and timely disclosure rules is also announced as appropriate on the Company’s website, etc. to ensure fairness and promptness.
Financial results briefings, etc. conducted for institutional investors, etc. are also published on the Company’s website in the interests of fair disclosure.
Information Disclosure System
With the aims of increasing transparency in its corporate activities and earning the further trust of stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, the ESG Promotion Department, the Company’s information handling department, pursues information disclosure duties and activities based on the internal regulations.
Quiet Period
The Company has defined a quiet period from the day after the closing date of each accounting period until the scheduled date of announcement of financial results, during which it will refrain from commenting on or responding to inquiries about its business performance. It will also refrain from holding financial results briefings and IR meetings during this period.
However, in the event that the likelihood of a major change in business performance forecasts emerges during the quiet period, information will be disclosed in accordance with timely disclosure rules. Even during the quiet period, the Company will respond to inquiries about already disclosed information and information that does not fall under pre-disclosure, finalized accounting information.
Business Performance Forecasts
Forecasts of business performance are determined by the Company based on information available as of the date of their announcement and include inherent risks and uncertainties. Accordingly, actual business performance may differ significantly from these forecasts due to various factors.
The Company does not endorse any forecasts of the Company’s business performance made by any third-party organizations. It refers only to widely-known facts that have already been disclosed and to limited information such as the general business environment and market trends.
The information posted on the Company’s website is not intended as a solicitation of investment.
Parties searching information on the Company’s website are requested to refer to the Disclaimer separately published on the website, in addition to this Disclosure Policy.