Delivering happiness with a spirit of
sincerity, politeness, and gratitude
Representative Director,
President & CEO Ichimasa Kamaboko Co., Ltd.
Upholding our founder Shohei Nozaki’s belief, “Life is like an echo / If we act properly, we are rewarded properly,” we recognize that it is our mission to deliver happiness to everyone with a spirit of sincerity, politeness and gratitude. However, risks for the current business environment are growing each year such as the long-term contraction of the domestic market due to the aging society and low birth rate, the impact of climate change on marine resources and forest resources, and the change in consumer needs due to seasonal variations. On top of the need to prepare for these risks, we also need to prepare for new risks such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
As a food products manufacturer, we aim to develop and improve technologies and functionality for the purpose of creating “real flavor” and new value, while supporting a rich food culture and healthy life expectancy through food safety and security. In addition, the Ichimasa Group’s business is based on “the life of the sea” and “the life of the mountains,” so in July 2021, we formulated our “ESG Management Declaration” aimed at both contributing to the achievement of a sustainable society and improving corporate value. We will strive with our stakeholders to address various environmental and social issues such as climate change.
In FY2021, we commenced our 2nd Medium-term Management Plan (FY2021-FY2025) for the first stage of the “ICHIMASA 30 Vision.” The new Medium-term Management Plan is based on ESG management, while presenting five important strategies: (1) Transformation and Creation – aimed at sustained growth through mutually matching growth of people and the company; (2) Concentration in Core Competencies – aimed at building an overwhelming domestic foundation with proactive strategies that utilize our strengths; (3) Initiatives for New Business – supporting new growth as the third pillar; which are supported by the implementation of (4) Digital Transformation and (5) Alliances. We aim to create new value and build a robust foundation in the “five years towards the path of growth” that leads into the second stage “10 years of growth,” starting in FY2026.
We would appreciate your continued support.