Environmental Policy
As the Ichimasa Group strives to become a global corporation, we are fully aware that the only way to develop business activities as a lasting corporation is to use the limited resource of our one and only planet. To develop a sustainable society that aims for social and economic development and coexistence with the global environment, we will strive to realize a recycling-oriented society by linking sustainability issues with our corporate strategies.
Moreover, the basic approach of our efforts is to continuously gather, analyze and verify the effects of our environmental activities based on quantitative measurements and tie that into steady resolution of environmental issues.
The Ichimasa Group is engaged in business activities in Japan and abroad while working on these sustainability issues. In the midst of this, we will focus on the items below.
Approaches to Global Warming
We will strive to reduce CO2 emissions and effectively utilize resources and energy per emissions intensity in order to prevent global warming.
– We will adopt energy efficient methods and equipment to reduce our electricity consumption.
– We will effectively utilize renewable energy such as solar and wind power.
Establishing the Recycling-based Society
– We will actively work to reduce waste and promote recycling.
– We will work to extend best-before dates by implementing clean manufacturing processes and researching the latest technologies.
Observance of the law and other requirements
We will observe social requirements for protecting the environment, including environmental laws and ordinances and work to prevent environmental pollution.
Raising employees’ awareness of environmental issues
We will continue to provide environmental education so that each employee can deepen their knowledge of global environmental, economic, and social issues, develop insights, and take responsible action with the aim of realizing a sustainable society.
Environmental Management Systems
In July 2022, we acquired ISO 14001 certification for our Higashi-ko and Yamakido factories. ISO 14001 is an international standard setting out requirements for environmental management systems (EMS). The acquisition of the certification came after we acquired the same certification for our Hokkaido factory, head office, and headquarters factory. We will develop EMS for other factories of the Group to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities and acquire ISO 14001 certification for more factories.

Yamakido factories

Higashi-ko factories
FY2021 Targets and Results

*The environmental metrics are calculated using figures for the period from April to March of the following year.(For example, In FY2021, for example, the environmental metrics were calculated using figures for the one year from April 2021 to March 2022.)
*The figures for targets and results are year-on-year comparisons.