Risk Management Structure
Recognizing risk management as a key business issue, we have established the Risk Management Committee, a subordinate organization of the Management Council chaired by the President & CEO.
The matters discussed and decided by the Risk Management Committee are regularly reported to the Board of Directors, enabling us to perform company-wide risk management.
We built a total risk management system to ensure that we can respond appropriately and rapidly if a risk occurs such as product safety or quality problem, major disaster or accident, or illegal conduct, and comprehensively manage risks across the Ichimasa Group.
When an event that threatens corporate activities does occur, a task force led by the President & CEO is quickly assembled to exert every effort to make an organization-wide, focused, and accurate response to minimize damage.
Risk Classification
The Company manages, on a company-wide basis, the following risks that could or would lead to damage or loss in our business activities.
- Social risks
- Business risks
- Operational risks
- (1) Product and service risks
- (2) Administrative risks
- (3) System risks
- (4) Information security risks
- (5) Legal and compliance risks
- (6) HR and labor risks
- (7) Outsourcing risks
- (8) Reputation risks
- Financial risks
- Natural disaster and accident-related risks
BCP Basic Policy
The Ichimasa Group is working to formulate business continuity plans (BCPs) and develop a Business Continuity Management (BCM) framework under the following basic policy, in order to help local communities recover and quickly provide safe, quality products to customers in the event a major disaster occurs, with top priority placed on the safety of customers, employees, and their families.
- We will place priority on ensuring the safety of the local community, employees, and their families.
- We will develop a system to supply products, with priority placed on our flagship products.
- We will respond to disasters in cooperation with the community and government, and provide aid to affected areas.
- We will strive to rapidly restore business activities.
BCP Organizational Structure

BCP Risks
The following are examples of risks that could interrupt or stop Ichimasa Group business operations for a long period of time.

The Risk Oversight Office, which oversees compliance matters, has created a Compliance Manual and Compliance Guidelines, and ensures the rules within are instilled throughout the entire Ichimasa Group. New employee and level-specific training programs and e-learning are used to carry out continuous efforts to ensure compliance with laws, ordinances, and internal regulations.
In addition, the Compliance Committee meets twice per year to confirm and discuss compliance issues in the Ichimasa Group and solutions to those issues.