Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Ichimasa Kamaboko’s Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Ichimasa Kamaboko engages in occupational health and safety
management and works to maintain and enhance the health and safety
of employees, with the aim of being a company providing a safe and comfortable
place to work for all employees.
1. Foster a culture that places top priority on health and safety
We will foster a culture that places top priority on health and safety, in which all employees participate, under the leadership of the top management.
2. Continuously carry out health and safety initiatives
We will mitigate risks by investing managerial resources to continuously identify the sources of risk at the workplace, conduct risk assessments, and carry out measures to prevent recurrence, in accordance with the standard for occupational health and safety management systems (ISO 45001).
Furthermore, we will continue to improve the organizational and governance structure related to occupational health and safety management.
3. Emphasis on preventative management
We will engage in governance prioritizing the prevention of disease and mental health issues to maintain and enhance the health of employees.
4. Create a safe and healthy working environment
In order to continue being a company that is a comfortable place to work for employees, we will strive to create a working environment that is healthy and safe both physically and mentally.
5. Provide health and safety training to employees
We will actively provide occupational health and safety training with the aim of making all employees well aware of health and safety issues.
6. Comply with laws and internal rules
We will comply with laws, ordinances, and internal regulations related to occupational health and safety.
December 13, 2021
Masahiro Nozaki
Representative Director
Ichimasa Kamaboko Co., Ltd.
Organizational Structure
Company-wide Health and Safety Committee | Advises the President & CEO on health and safety management |
Health and Safety Committee for the Factories and Cultivation Center | Manages the health and safety of our factories and Cultivation Center with the understanding and cooperation of employees. |
Corporate Health
Corporate Health Declaration
The corporate philosophy of the Ichimasa Group is to “Contribute as a company that is indispensable for society by providing products and services based on safety and security that are trusted, loved and appreciated by users.” We believe that ensuring that every employee can continue working with healthy minds and bodies is essential for us to continue living up to this philosophy. Recognizing the mental and physical health of employees as an important managerial resource, we will actively work to maintain and enhance the health of employees by implementing health management as part of our corporate strategy.
Moreover, we will engage in efforts such as preventing work-related accidents, thoroughly carrying out labor management, and enhancing employee benefit programs to “maintain and improve the comfortable and rewarding workplace,” as stated in the Code of Conduct.
Smoking Cessation Assistance Program
We have implemented a financial assistance program to partially cover out-of-pocket expenses for smoking cessation outpatient treatment to encourage people to quit smoking and promote healthy lifestyles.
Stress check participation rate