Our goals for FY2045
ICHIMASA 30 Vision
Global Company
Global Company sharing the beauty of Japanese “food” throughout the world by focusing on caring about “safety & security” , “health & the environment” and “emotional fulfillment”
Food Science Company
A food science company continuously pursuing technology and disseminating all kinds of “food” information for future
Warm-hearted Company
A warm-hearted company delivering “happiness” and pleasure of food to every customer and stakeholder
Road map of super long-term plan

2nd Medium-term Management Plan <5 years for establishing growth trajectory>
July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2026
Basic Policy
We will establish a foundation for profitability and growth potential for the business through bold initiatives in domestic and overseas markets to ensure that we achieve the goals for the First Stage: “5 years for establishing growth trajectory.”
- We aim to increase our share in the domestic market by refining our product appeal, productivity and sales strength and realizing our competitive advantages.
- In overseas market, we will analyze growth markets and undertake sales promotions
Important Policies
Transformation and Creation
Concentration in Core Competencies
Digital Transformation
New Business
Numerical targets for 5 years later
Net sales | Operating profit | ROE | ROIC |
40.0 billion yen* | 2.6 billion yen | 10.0% | 9.0% |
*The figure after the “Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition,” etc. have been applied