General Meeting of Shareholders

Status of initiatives to promote participation in the General Meeting of Shareholders and facilitate exercise of voting rights

Early Dispatch of Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders To ensure that all shareholders have sufficient time for consideration, the notice of the General Meeting of Shareholders are usually sent three weeks before the meetings.
Exercise of voting rights through electronic means Shareholders can exercise their voting rights via the internet using a PC or smartphone.
Participation in electronic voting platforms and other initiatives to improve the voting environment for institutional investors We participate in the electronic voting platform for institutional investors operated by ICJ, Inc. We also strive to improve the voting environment.
Provide the summarized notice of the General Meeting of Shareholders in English Notices of the General Meeting of Shareholders (Summary) has been provided in English since 2021 and posted on the Company’s website.
Other The Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders is posted on the Company’s website, the stock exchange where the Company is listed through TDnet disclosure and on the electronic voting platform about four weeks prior to the date of the meeting.

60th Term (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024)

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Date September 26, 2024
Venue Head Office of Ichimasa Kamaboko Co., Ltd., Conference room on the 2nd floor
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